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Apropiación social del conocimiento

XXVIII Congreso Nacional de Física: La física embebida en la tabla periódica

Análisis de la respuesta fotoluminiscente de diferentes clases comerciales de arroz. Authors: Franco-Escobar J.F.; Martínez-Hernández H.D; Fonthal G; Tirado-Mejía L​. XXVIII Congreso Nacional de Física 2019. ​September 9-12, 2019. 

Ponente: Julián Colorado

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16th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics

Aerial Monitoring of Rice Crop Variables using an UAV Robotic System. Authors: Devia C.; Rojas J.; Petro E.; Martinez C.; Mondragon I.; Patino D.; Rebolledo C. and Colorad, J. (2019). In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics - Volume 2: ICINCO, 29-31 July.

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The 6th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CODIT’19)

Gradient-Descent based Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Input-Affine Systems. Authors: Devia C.; Rojas J.; Petro E.; Martinez C.; Mondragon I.; Patino D.; Rebolledo C.; Colorado J.  The 6th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CODIT’19). April 23-26, 2019.

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17th International Conferencia on Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies

Partially-Oxidized Phosphorene-Based Sensors and Surface Oxidation Effects. Authors: Marmolejo-Tejada J.M.; Jaramillo-Botero A. 17th International Conferencia on Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies. 7-10 July 2020, Thessaloniki, Greece.

Abstracts Book. 

Ponente: Juan Manuel Marmolejo

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25th Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition

New Improvement in Obtaining Monogenic Phase Congruency. Authors: Jacanamejoy Ca; Forero M. 2021. 25th Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition.

Ponente: Manuel Forero

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Tercer Simposio de Bioinformática RSG-Colombia

Uso de la Arabisdopsis thaliana como modelo de estudio para entender y encontrar potenciales nuevos genes asociados a procesos carcinogénicos. Authors: Sosa C; Clavijo-Buriticá D; Mosquera A; Álvarez A; Medina J y Quimbaya M.

Ponente: Chrystian C. Sosa

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13th Mexican conference on Pattern Recognition MCRP 2021

A Comparative Study of 3D Plant Modeling Systems based on Low-cost 2D LiDAR and Kinect. Authors: Murcia H; Sanabria D; Méndez D; Forero M. 2021.  13th Mexican conference on Pattern Recognition MCRP 2021.

Ponente: Harold Murcia

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IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS)

Blue noise sampling and nystrom extension for graph based change detection. Authors: Jimenez-Sierra DA; Benitez-Restrepo HD; Arce G; Florez-Ospina JF. 2021.  IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS)

Ponente: David Jiménez

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Simposio ÓMICAS 2022

Graph subspace fusion from super-pixels for Biomass estimation. Autores: David Alejandro Jiménez Sierra, Hernán Darío Benítez Restrepo y Behnood Rasti. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Cali, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf: HZDR.

Ponente: David Alejandro Jiménez Sierra

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